Directory of Astronomy Pages

Thank you for surfing by. The following are various links to galleries of my astrophotography efforts. Lots of astro images of different objects—lunar, solar, deep sky—with film (!) and CCD cameras. Click on the links below to view the pages and my astronomical images. Use your browser's back button or the link at the page bottom to return to this directory. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them.

© 2001-2016 Ted Saker, Jr. All rights reserved.
Country of First Publication: The United States of America
These works are for the personal viewing and enjoyment of visitors to this site.
Any and all commercial use of these images is absolutely, strictly and totally prohibited without my consent.
Remember, I sue people professionally. Besides astronomy, it's what I live for.

New postings to this site appear in colored type.

Images and more from the 2016 Black Forest Star Party.  New! Nebula images! Posted 17 Sep. 2016.

Images and more from the 2016 Texas Star Party. First SAGA images with a capable camera! Posted 20 July 2016.

Images and more from the 2015 Texas Star Party. SAGA sees first light! Posted 23 May 2015.

Images and more from the 2015 Winter Star Party. Journal (but no images) from the 31st Winter Star Party! Posted 01 Mar. 2015.

Images and more from the 2014 Cherry Springs Star Party. Addition to the narrowband summer nebula collection from CSSP 2014. Last update 03 July 2014.

Images and more from the 2014 Texas Star Party. Zombies! Posted 14 June 2014.

Images from in, around and through the ColumbusOhio nebula aka the Central Ohio Cloud Zone. Last update 29 October 2013. Narrowband images of an elusive object.

Images and more from the 2013 Texas Star Party.

Ted's Transit of Venus 2012 Page.

Images and more from the 2012 Texas Star Party.

Images and more from the 2010 Texas Star Party.

Images and more from the 2009 Texas Star Party.

Images and more from the 2008 Texas Star Party.

Images and more from the 2006 Texas Star Party.

Journal of the 2003 Texas Star Party.

Journal of the 2001 Texas Star Party. Finally, back on line.

Imaging with self-built CCD cameras. (2000-2005)

Ted's Solar Eclipse Pages. Waiting for the big one in 2017.

Ted's Light Pollution Screed. Begun in 1998, it's a work in progress.

Clear, Dark and Steady Skies!